the end od web
Hypertext: the killer of author?

In this lecture, we have talked about the hypertext. Compare it to the traditional text, it is more flexible, with links and give readers their own chooses. (Given’s lecture notes) Books normally have the characterizations of durable; bounded; fixed; and finished. On the other word, they all have an ending of the story. In hypertext story, it is almost impossible to find an ending, because there are always links which can bring more information.
Therefore, people believe that readers would never follow authors’ directions. They can create their own new story by adding links and information. However, some people argue that, hypertext improve the development of reading. Reader can easily found useful information without reading the whole story.
In my opinion, hypertext may kill the original author or author’s original intent, but it creates more and more new authors. Because by using links, every reader can add their new stories and intents to the original story, there would be new stories come out.
good copy,bad copy
When talking about internet, we would directly think about download, online movies, and music. They can all be related to a Intellectual Property Right issue: piracy. Generally understanding, piracy is to use other people’s intellectual property without any permission. On internet, the music, movies which can be easily downloaded for free all belong to piracy. However, sometimes people just do not realize they are actually doing pirate.
Such as in the video “good and bad copies”, the people can easily remix the music to their own style. They thinking this is their proper job, but they do not know that their behaviors are already become piracy. People believe that piracy will destroy the society and development because if the intellectual properties can be used for free, there would be no more inventions or technology development. Nobody would like to do thing for free.
On the other hand, some people arguing that the purposes of making music or movies are not only for making money. Free sharing on internet is advancing the development of information and technology
the importance of internet for business
It is barely to find a business which are running without an own website. Obviously, the internet is one of the most important tools for businesses to represent and develop themselves. The changes are only effect on businesses, but also on the working forces. For example, more flexible working times, part-time and contract jobs. More over, there is more and more companies use internet to recruit new stuffs. It gives more opportunities to personal development and also the development of technology.
web 2.0
In this lecture, we have talked about the web 2.0. Generally, web 2.0 can be defined as a website platform which can be generated and distributed by its users. Thus, web 2.0 often allows their users to share and reuse the resources easily. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 ) It also rise the economic value of the web. For example, the online shopping websites allow users to sell and buy stuffs easily and much more convenience, the successful websites such as eBay and Amazon.
Another popular word about web 2.0 is “Citizen Journalists”. Some people think that the characteristic of web 2.0 allow every user to represent their won ideas and information on websites, such as WIKI, Blogger, myspace. Thus, the idea that every one who use the web 2.0 can be journalists. On the other hand, some people argue that web 2.0 is a terrible thing which is happening on the web and our society. There are many people are losing their jobs because web 2.0, and the real journalists may disappear in the future.